One Words Denoting Science & Arts

One Words Denoting Science & Arts
1acousticsthe study of sound
2aeronauticsthe science or art of flight
3aestheticsthe philosophy of fine arts
4agronomythe science of soil management and the production of field crops
5alchemychemistry in ancient times
6bibliographythe study of history of a list of books on a subject
7anatomythe science dealing with the structure of animals, plants or human body
8anthropologythe science that deals with the origin, physical and cultural development of mankind
9arboriculturecultivation of trees and vegetables
10astrologythe ancient art of predicting the course of human destinies with the help of indications deduced from the position and movement of the heavenly bodies
11bacteriologythe study of bacteria
12botanythe study of plants
13calligraphythe art of beautiful handwriting
14ceramics, potterythe art and technology of making objects from clay etc
15chronobiologythe study of duration of life
16chronologythe science of arranging time in periods and ascertaining the dates and historical order of the past events
17chromaticsthe art of making fireworks
18cosmogonythe science of the nature of heavenly bodies
19cosmographythe science that describes and maps the main features of the universe
20cosmologythe science of the nature, origin and history of the universe
21cryogenicsthe science of dealing with the production control and the application of very low temperatures
22cipherthe art of secret writing
23cytologythe study of cells, especially their formation, structure and functions
24dactylographythe study of fingerprints for the purpose of identification
25dactylologythe technique of communication by signs made with the fingers it is generally used by the deaf
26demographythe study of human population with the help of the records of the number of births and deaths
27ecologythe study of the relation of animals and plants to their surrounding, animate and inanimate
28entomologythe study of insects
29epigraphythe study of inscriptions
30ethnologythe study of human races
31ethologythe study of animal behavior
32etymologythe study of origin and history of words(Morphology)
33eugenicsthe study of production of better offspring by the careful selection of parents
34ergonomythe study of effect of environment on workers
35genealogythe study of family ancestries and histories
36geneticsthe branch of biology dealing with the phenomenon of heredity and the laws governing it
37geologythe science that deals with the physical history of the earth
38heliotherapythe sun cure
39gymnasticsthe art of performing acrobatics feats
40histologythe study of tissues
41horticulturethe cultivation of flowers, fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants
42hydropathythe treatment of diseases by the internal and external use of water
43hagiologystudy of the lives of saints
44iconographyteaching with the aid of pictures and models
45iconologythe study of symbolic representations
46jurisprudencethe science of law
47lexicographythe writing or compiling of dictionaries
48numismaticsthe study of coins and metals
49odontologythe scientific study of the teeth
50ornithologythe study of birds
51orthoepythe study of correct pronunciation
52pedagogythe art or method of teaching
53petrologythe study of rocks/crust
54philatelythe collection and study of postage/revenue stamps etc
55philologythe study of written records, their authenticity etc
56phoneticsthe study of speech sounds, and the production, transmission, reception
57physiognomythe study of human face
58paleographythe study of ancient writings
59rhetoricthe art of elegant speech or writing
60sericulturethe raising of silkworms for the production of raw silk
61seismologythe study of earthquakes and the phenomenon associated with it
62speleologythe study of caves
63telepathycommunication between minds by some means other than sensory perception
64zoologythe study of animal life

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  14. Words Denoting Persons

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