One Words Denoting Phobias / Mental Disorders

One Words Substitutions Denoting Phobias and Mental Disorders
1acrophobiahigh places
2aerophobiafear of air
3aglophobiaof pain
4altiphobiaof altitude
5anorexiafear of getting fat makes young girls stop eating resulting in harmful effect
6agorophobiaof public/place open
7androphobiaof males
8autophobiaof solitude
9bathophobiaof depths
10biblophobiaof books
11cacophobiaof ugliness
12catrophobiaof doctors
13cellophobiaextreme fear about beauty
14chronophobiaof time
15cynophobiaof dogs
16claustrophobiaof being confined to small place
17dipsophobiaof thirst
18dipsomaniamorbid compulsion to drink
19demonomaniadelusion of being under evil spirits
20entomophobiaof insects
21ergophobiaof work
22gamophobiaof marriage
23genophobiaof birth
24geraphobiaof old age
25gnosiophobiaof knowledge
26graphophobiaof writing
27gynaephobiaof women
28haemetophobiaof blood
29hedonophobiaof pleasure
30hodophobiaof travel
31hydrophobiaof water
32kleptophobiaof stealing/thieves
33kleptomaniaa compulsive desire to steal
34lipophobiaof getting fat
35logophobiaof study
36logomaniamania for talking
37maieusiophobiaof childbirth
38metrophobiaof motherhood
39menemophobiaof old memories
40monophobiaof loneliness, of being alone
41mysophobiaof filth, contamination
42megalomaniadelusion about one’s greatness
43nyctophobiaof darkness
44ophthalmophobiaof eyes
45ochlophobiaof crowds/mobs
46paedophobiaof children
47pathophobiaof disease/sickness
48peniophobiaof poverty/money problem
49pharmacophobiaof medicine
50phasmophobiaof ghosts
51xenophobiaof foreigners
52pyrophobiaof fire
53thanatophobiaof death
54scelerophobiaof burglars
55theophobiaof God
56toxicophobiaof poison
57triskaidekaphobiaof number thirteen
58theomaniaa delusion that one is God

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  9. Words Denoting Phobias / Mental Disorders
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