One Words Denoting Places

One Words Denoting Places
1abattoira place where animals are slaughtered for the market
2apiarya place where bees are kept
3aquariuma tank for fishes
4arenaa place for wrestling
5arsenala place for ammunition and weapons
6asyluma place for lunatics, and political refugees
7aviarya place where birds are kept
8archivesa place where government records are kept
9burrowthe dwelling place of an animal underground
10cachea place where ammunition is hidden
11cagea place for birds
12casinoa place with gambling tables etc.
13cemeterya graveyard where the dead are buried
14cloakrooma place for luggage at a railway station
15conventa residence for nuns
16crèchea nursery where children of working parent are cared for while their parents are at work
17crematoriuma cremation ground where the last funeral rites are performed
18decanteran ornamental glass bottle for holding wine or other alcoholic drinks
19dormitorythe sleeping rooms in a college or public institution
20dreya squirrel’s home
21Elysiuma paradise with perfect bliss
22gymnasiuma place where athletic exercises are performed
23granarya place for storing grain
24hangara place for housing aeroplanes
25hivea place for bees
26hutcha wooden box with a front of wire for rabbits
27infirmarya home for old persons
28kennela house of shelter for a dog
29lair/denthe resting place of a wild animal
30minta place where money is coined
31menageriea place for wild animals and birds(Sanctuary)
32monasterya residence for monks or priests
33morguea place where dead bodies are kept for identification
34mortuarya place where dead bodies are kept for post-mortem
35orcharda place where fruit trees are grown
36orphanagea place where orphans are housed
38portfolioa portable case for holding papers, drawing etc.
39reservoira place where water is collected and stored
40resorta place frequented for reasons of pleasure or health
41stablea house of shelter for a horse
42stya place where pigs are kept
43scullerya place where plates, dishes, pots and other cooking utensils are washed up
44sheath, scabbarda case in which the blade of sword is kept
45sanatoriuma place for the sick to recover health
46tannerya place where leather is tanned
47wardrobea place for clothes

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  2. One Words Denoting Professions
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  4. One Words Denoting Killings / Deaths of Persons
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  6. One Words Denoting Time Period
  7. One Words Denoting Young ones
  8. Words Denoting Distinctive Sounds
  9. Words Denoting Phobias / Mental Disorders
  10. Words Denoting Science & Arts
  11. Words Denoting Groups (People, Animals, Birds & Things)
  12. Words Denoting Places
  13. Words Denoting General Objects
  14. Words Denoting Persons

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