One Word Denoting General Objects

One Word Denoting General Objects
1 Abdication voluntary giving up of throne in favour of some one
2 Almanac an annual calender with position of stars
3 Amphibian animal that live both on land and sea
4 Allegory a story that expresses ideas through symbols
5 Anomaly departure from common rule
6 Aquatic animals that live in water
7 Autobiography the life history of a person written by himself
8 Axiom a statement accepted as true without proof
9 Anonymous bearing no name
10 Belligerent one that is in a war like mood (= Belicose)
11 Biography the life history of a person (written by some other person)
12 Biopsy examination of living tissue
13 Blasphemy an act of speaking against religion (Heresy)
14 Chronology events presented in order of occurence
15 Conscription compulsory enlistment for military service
16 Crusade a religious war
17 Drawn a game that results neither in victory nor in defeat
18 Eatable anything to be eaten
19 Edible fit to be eaten
20 Encyclopaedia a book that contains information on various subjects
22 Epilogue a concluding speach /comment at the end of the pay (D prologue)
21 Ephemeral lasting for a very short time /a day
23 Extempore a speech made without preparation (= Impromptu)
24 Fable a story relating to birds /animals with a moral in the end
25 Facsimile an exact copy of handwriting, printing (= xerox)
26 Fatal that causes death
27 Fauna animal of a particular region
28 Flora the flowers of a particular region
29 Fragile that can be easily broken
30 Gregarious animals which live in a flock, used for human beings also (= sociable)
31 Illegible in capable of being real (X Legible)
32 Inaccessible a person /place that cannot be easily approached (X accessible)
33 Impracticable in capable of being practised (X practicable)
34 Inaudible a sound that cannot be heard (X Audible)
35 Incorrigible incapable of being corrected (X Corrigible)
36 irreparable incapable of being repaired (Antonym of this word is reparable)
37 indelible a mark that cannot be erased(Antonym of this word is delible)
38 infallible one who is free from all mistakes and failures(Antonym of this word is fallible)
39 inedible not fit to eat (Antonym of this word is edible
40 inflammable liable to catch fire easily(Antonym of this word is non – inflammable)
41 inevitable that cannot be avoided(Antonym of this word is evitable)
42 indispensable that cannot be dispensed with, removed(Antonym of this word is dispensable)
43 interregnum a period of interval between regimes and governments
44 intelligible that can be understood (Antonym of this word is unintelligible)
45 lunar of the moon
46 . maiden a speech or an attempt made by a person for the first time
47 mammal an animal that gives milk
48 manuscript a matter written by hand
49 nostalgia home sickness. Memories of the past
50 omnipresent one who is present everywhere
51 omnipotent one who is all powerful
52 omniscient one who knows all
53 parable a short story with a moral
54 parole pledge given by a prisoner for temporary release not to escape
55 panacea a remedy for all ills
56 pantheism the belief that God pervades nature
57 pedantic a style meant to display one’s knowledge
58 plagiarism literary theft or passing off an author’s original work as one’s own
59 platonic something spiritual(love)
60 portable that can be carried in hand
61 potable fit to drink
62 plebiscite a decision made by public voting
63 pseudonym an imaginary name assumed by an author
64 quarantine an act of separation from a person to avoid infection
65 quadruped an animal with four feet
66 referendum general vote of the public to decide a question(Synonym of this word is plebiscite)
67 red – tapism official formality resulting in delay
68 regalia dress with medals, ribbons worn at official ceremonies
69 sacrilege violating the sanctity of religious places/objects(Synonym of this word is desecration)
70 sinecure a job with high salary but a little responsibility
71 soliloquy a speech made when one is alone
72 soporific a medicine that induces sleep
73 souvenir a thing kept in memory of an event
74 swan song the last literary work of a writer/an artist
75 solar of the sun
76 Transparent that can be seen through(Antonym of this word is opaque)
77 venial a slight fault that can be forgiven
78 verbatim repetition of a speech or a writing word for word
79 utopia an imaginary land with perfect social order
80 zodiac a diagram showing the path of planets

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  2. One Words Denoting Professions
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  6. One Words Denoting Time Period
  7. One Words Denoting Young ones
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  9. Words Denoting Phobias / Mental Disorders
  10. Words Denoting Science & Arts
  11. Words Denoting Groups (People, Animals, Birds & Things)
  12. Words Denoting Places
  13. Words Denoting General Objects
  14. Words Denoting Persons

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