State Government (Indian Polity Questions)
State Government (Indian Polity Questions)

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Hello Readers,
We bring you this large list of questions from Preamble And Evolution Of Indian Constitution. This should help you in your preparation of Competitive Exams for Indian Polity.
State Government (Indian Polity Questions)

  1. Who appoints the Governor of the State?The President
  2. Membership of Legislative Assembly can vary between 60 – 500
  3. What is the minimum age in years for becoming the MLC and MLA in the State? 30 and 25
  4.  What is the tenure in years of Office of MLA and MLC in the State? 5 and 6
  5. What is the eligibility age and tenure of Office of the Governor? (in years) 35 and 5
  6.  The State Legislature unless dissolved earlier shall continue for a period of 5 years.  
  7. The Legislative Council shall not be subjected to dissolution, however, one-third of its members shall retire after every 2 years.
  8. Who appoints the Vice Chancellors of the Universities? Governor
  9. Who is the Executive (Constitutional) Head of the State Government? Governor
  10. The Executive powers of the State Government shall be exercised in the name of Governor
  11.  Generally, the Governor belongs to some other State
  12.  The Governor of a State acts as Agent of President
  13.  The Governor of the State shall be appointed by the President
  14.  The Governor holds Office during the pleasure of the President
  15.  As a matter of convention, while appointing the Governor of a State, the President consults State Chief Minister
  16.  The Governor is the part and parcel of the State Legislature
  17. The salary and allowances of the Governor are charged to The Consolidated Fund of the State
  18. The emoluments of the Ministers in the State Government are determined by Legislative Assembly
  19.  The salaries and allowances of the Speaker of Legislative Assembly and Chairman of Legislative Council shall be determined by the State Legislature
  20.  The emoluments, allowances, and privileges of the Governor shall be determined by the Parliament
  21.  If the Governor of a State wishes to relinquish Office before the expiry of his / her term, he/ she has to address resignation President
  22. The Governor plays a dual role as an agent of the President and as the Constitutional Head of the State
  23. The Governor of a State should not hold any other office of profit
  24.  The Governor may resign his / her Office by writing to the President
  25.  Can one person act as Governor of more than one State? Yes
  26. When a person acts as Governor of more than one State, his / her salary is shared by the concerned States
  27. Which one of the following legislative powers is enjoyed by the Governor? (i) can nominate certain members of an Anglo-Indian community to the Legislative Assembly, (ii) can summon or prorogue the State Legislative, (iii) can appoint one-sixth the members of the Legislative Council
  28. Who discharges the duties of the Office of Governor if it falls vacant due to death or resignation? Chief Justice of High Court
  29. The Governor of a State is administered the oath of Office by (OR) The Governor before entering upon his Office has to administer his oath before the Chief Justice of High Court
  30. There is no provision for the impeachment of the Governor
  31.  Which one of the following is correct regarding the Governor of a State? (i) No Money Bill can be introduced in State Legislature without prior permission of Governor, (ii)He can recommend to the President to impose President’s Rule in the State, (iii) He has the power to issue ordinances when the legislature is not in session
  32. The Governor can issue ordinances only during the recess of the State Legislature
  33. The ordinances issued by the Governor are subject to approval by the State Legislature
  34. A Governor may be transferred from one State to another State
  35. The Governor has the power to dissolve Legislative Assembly
  36. Who appoints and administers the oath for the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers? Governor
  37. The Contingency Fund of the State is operated by the Governor
  38. The Governor is accountable for his / her actions to the President
  39. Unless approved by the State Legislature, the ordinance issued by the Governor remains in force for a maximum period of six months
  40. A Legislative Bill which did not receive the Governor’s immediate assent was Jammu & Kashmir citizenship
  41. The District Judges and Magistrate of the Civil Courts shall be appointed by the Governor
  42. The High Court of Karnataka established in the year 1884
  43. The Guwahati High Court has territorial jurisdiction over 4 number of States.
  44. Which High Court has four Principal Benches? Gauhati High Court
  45. The High Court for the territory of Andaman and Nicobar is the High Court of West Bengal
  46. The number of States under the Jurisdiction of a High Court shall be decided on the basis of Area and Population
  47. Who decides the number of Judges in the High Court? President
  48. High Courts in India were first started (1862) at Bombay, Calcutta and Madras
  49. The Governor can recommend imposition of President’s Rule in the State At his discretion
  50. The term of Legislative Assembly can be extended for a period of One year during the time of Emergency.
  51. Governor will act under the following circumstance with advice of Ministers while returning  Appointing the Advocate General
  52. Parliament or State Legislature can declare a seat vacant if the member is absent from the session for a period of 60 days without permission.
  53. ‘Bicameral’ means Presence of two Houses in the State
  54. ‘Unicameral’ means Presence of one House in the State
  55. What is the system of Legislature in the State of Karnataka? Bicameral
  56.  Which State(s) is / are having Bicameral system?Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra,
  57. Which State(s) is / are having Unicameral system?
    01.Andhra PradeshUnicameral
    02.Arunachal PradeshUnicameral
    08.Himachal PradeshUnicameral
    11.Madhya Pradesh Unicameral
    12.Manipur Unicameral
    13. Meghalaya Unicameral
    14.Mizoram Unicameral
    15. Nagaland Unicameral
    16. Orissa Unicameral
    17.Punjab Unicameral
    18.Rajasthan Unicameral
    19. Sikkim Unicameral
    20.Tamil NaduUnicameral
    21.Uttarakhand Unicameral
    22.West Bengal Unicameral


  58. Which are the two States having common Capital? ——– Punjab and Haryana
  59. Sikkim was admitted as a full-fledged State of Indian Union in the year 1975.
  60. The Residuary power with respect to the Jammu & Kashmir rest with the State Government of Jammu & Kashmir
  61. Who appoints the Governor of Jammu & Kashmir? President
  62. Which of the following bodies can be abolished but not dissolved?  State Legislative Council
  63. Who appoints the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers in the State? Governor
  64. Who appoints the Chief Justice and other Judges of the High Court? President
  65. What is the retirement age in years for Chief Justice and other Judges of High Court?62
  66. Salaries and other emoluments of the High Court Judges shall be determined by the Parliament
  67. Which among the following Article of the Constitution empowers the High Court to issue writs of various kinds? 226
  68. Writ Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court under Article 32 is not wider than that of the Writ Jurisdiction of the High Court under Article 226 because the High Court may exercise this power in relation to  Violation of Fundamental and Legal Rights
  69.  Article 227 of the Indian Constitution deals with the High Court’s power of superintendence over all Courts and Tribunals within its Jurisdiction
  70. Who has power to establish common High Court for two or more States and Union Territories? Parliament
  71. In WB, the number of seats in Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council are 295
  72. Who is having power to remove the Governor before expiry of the tenure? President
  73. What is the retirement age in years of a High Court Judge? 62
  74. The total members in the Legislative Council should not be less than (Article 171). 40
  75. The Legislative Council is a permanent House, however, a One-third number of members retire after every 2 years.
  76. A Cabinet Minister of a State Government can be removed by the Chief Minister
  77. The Council of Ministers in the State remains in power for as long as it retains the confidence of Legislative Assembly
  78. The State Council of Ministers has to tender their resignation if vote of no-confidence is passed against it by the  Legislative Assembly
  79. Who is the Channel of Communication between the Governor and the State Council of Ministers?Chief Minister
  80. Chief Minister of all the States are the Members of National Development Council
  81. This is not the power of the Chief Minister. Control over State Judiciary
  82. The Chief Minister of a State cannot take part in the election of President if he is A member of the Legislative Council of the State
  83. If a member of Lok Sabha is appointed as the Chief Minister of a State —- He must become a member of the State Legislature within six months
  84. What is the effect of the resignation or death of the Chief Minister of the State? Dissolves the Legislative Assembly
  85. Which tax is levied by the Union and collected and appropriated by the States? Stamp duties
  86. Which category of professional people are entitled to elect their representatives to the State Legislative Council? Teachers of not lower than secondary school level in the State
  87. The Graduates constitute a separate constituency for the election of the specified number of members to ——–State Legislative Council
  88. Legislative Council is not dissolved
  89. How many States in India have Legislative Councils? 5
  90. Which among the following House cannot be dissolved but can be abolished? Legislative Council
  91. Without certificate of High Court, an appeal can made to Supreme Court with the special leave of Supreme Court
  92. What is meant by ‘Court of Records’? The court that preserves all the records
  93. The Legislative Council in a State can be created or disbanded by the Parliament on the recommendation of the State Legislative Assembly
  94. The Members of the State Legislature can claim immunity from Civil Proceedings.
  95.  The major part of following central revenues goes to various State Governments in India Excise Duty
  96.  Which of the following is the most important source of revenue of the states in India? Sales Tax
  97.  Who Superintendents all subordinate courts in a State? High Court
  98.  Which one of the following High Courts has the territorial jurisdiction over Andaman and Nicobar Islands? Calcutta
  99. Power to extend or restrict the Jurisdiction of High Court vest with Parliament
  100. A temporary Judge of High Court can hold Office for a maximum period of Two years
  101. Which one of the following Union Territories has a High Court of its own? Delhi
  102. When there is no majority party in the State Legislative Assembly, the main consideration governing the appointment of a Chief Minister by Governor is the  ability of the person who is most likely to command a stable majority
  103. If there is a dispute between two States only Supreme Court has jurisdiction to decide that case
  104. Which of the following States are involved in disputes over sharing of river waters?——- (i) Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat , (ii) Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, (iii) Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
  105. Constitution empowers State Governments to make special law for Women and Children
  106. The State Government does not enjoy any control over local bodies with regard to Personal matters
  107.  The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly shall be elected by the Members of Legislative Assembly
  108.  The Speaker of Legislative Assembly can vacate his Office by addressing his resignation to the Deputy Speaker of Legislative Assembly
  109.  Find out the correct response: ‘After the State Legislature is dissolved the Speaker of Legislative Assembly’?  Remains as Speaker until the 1st Meeting of the Legislative Assembly after the dissolution
  110.  The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly shall be removed by the House by passing a resolution after 14 days clear notice passed by majority of all the Members of the House
  111. Who among the following is described as the Custodian of State Legislative Assembly? Speaker
  112. Who is the neutral in the affairs of the party politics? Speaker of Legislative Assembly
  113. The Speaker of Legislative Assembly enjoys Right to vote only in case of tie
  114. What is the minimum gap permissible between the two sessions of the Legislature? Six months
  115. The authority to allot the agenda of the State Legislative Assembly is Speaker of Legislative Assembly
  116. Find out the correct response to the Ordinance promulgated by the Governor? has the same force as the law made by the State Legislature
  117.  What shall be the qualification of a person to be appointed as the Advocate General for the State? Qualified to be appointed as Judge of High Court
  118. The Governor does not appoint Judges of High Court
  119. An Advocate General shall hold Office during the pleasure of the Governor
  120. Who has the power to create and abolish Legislative Council if the Legislative Assembly of State passes a resolution to that effect? Parliament
  121. Which of the following taxes is levied by the State Government only? Entertainment Tax
  122. Goa got the status of Statehood by the way of 56th Constitutional Amendment.
  123. Law with regard to Anti-defection is inserted by way of 52nd Constitutional Amendment.
  124. Among the following Amendments, which is considered as Mini-Constitution?  Constitutional Amendments is pertaining to Local Self-Government 42nd , 73rd and 74th
  125. State Emergency (President’s Rule) can be declared When the Government of the State cannot be carried in accordance with the Provision of the Constitution
  126. Which Article gives Special Provisions to the State of Jammu & Kashmir? 370
  127. The President can make a Proclamation of Emergency in Jammu & Kashmir with the Concurrence of the State Legislature
  128. There is no provision in the Constitution for the impeachment of Governor
  129. The member of State Public Service Commission can be removed on the ground of misbehavior only after an enquiry has been conducted by the High Court of the State
  130. Who can recommend abolition or creation of the Legislative Council in a State? Legislative Assembly of the State
  131. Where were the High Courts in India first set up? Bombay, Madras and Calcutta
  132. The High Courts at Bombay, Calcutta and Madras were established under the Indian High Courts Act,
  133. The Additional and Acting Judges of the High Court are appointed by the Writ Jurisdiction President High Courts exercise
  134.  As per Indian Protocol, who among the following ranks highest in the order of precedence?  State Governor
  135. The salaries and allowances of the Judges of the High Court are charges to the  Consolidated Fund of the State
  136. High Courts enjoy ——- (i) Original Jurisdiction, (ii) Administrative powers, (iii)Appellate Jurisdiction
  137. In which area does the State Government not have control over its Local Bodies? Personnel matters
  138. Which State Government has decided to provide health insurance to people living below the poverty line with effective from January 2007? Karnataka
  139. What was the scheme to reduce interest burden of the State Government in India through gradual conversion of high cost debt into low cost debt? Debt write off Scheme
  140. What is the chronological order in which the following States of Indian Union were created or granted full statehood? Andhra Pradesh > Maharashtra > Nagaland > Haryana
  141. Which among the following can be transferred by the President which related to High Court? (i) Chief Justice, (ii) Permanent Judge
  142. Which Constitutional Amendment is associated with the linguistic reorganization of a State? 3rd
  143. Full Statehood was conferred to Arunachal Pradesh by the 55th Amendment of the Constitution.

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