Inventors and their groundbreaking innovations have played a pivotal role in shaping the course of human history and driving technological progress. From the earliest pioneers of electricity and telecommunications to the visionaries who ushered in the age of aviation and nuclear science, these individuals have left an indelible mark on the world.

Inventors of Domestic Appliances

Pendulum ClockChristian Huyges1656
Mechanical ClockI. Hsing and Liang Ting Tsan1725
Safety MatchJohn Walker1826
Sewing Machine (Chain stitch)Barthelemy Thimmonier1841
Sewing Machine (Lock stitch)Elias Howe1846
RefrigeratorJames Hansen and Alexander Catlin1850
TypewriterChristopher L Sholes 1867
GramophoneThomas Alva Edison 1878
Electric LampThomas Alva Edison 1879
Fountain PenLewis E Waterman 1884
Ball-point PenJohn J Loud 1888
Ball-point Pen (Present form)Ladislao Jose Biro 1938
AirconditioningWillis Haviland Carrier 1906
Kitchen BlenderStephen Poplawski 1922
TV (Mechanical)JL Baird1926
TV (Electronic)PT Farnsworth 1927
Thermos FlaskSir James Dewar 1892
Electric IronHenry Seely 1882
Microwave OvenPercy Spencer 1947
Dishwasher (hand-powered)Josephine Cochrane 1887
Inventors of Domestic Appliances

Inventions during the Industrial Revolution

Flying ShuttleJohn Kay1733
PowerloomE Cartwright1785
Spinning FrameSir Richard Arkwright1769
Spinning JennyJames Hargreaves1764
Spinning MuleSamuel Crompton1779
Inventions during the Industrial Revolution

Inventors of Aviation Machines

Aeroplane1903Orville and Wilbur Wright
Airship (non-rigid)1852Henri Giffard
Airship (rigid)1900G.F. vonZeppelin
Hot air balloon1783Jacques and Joseph Montgolfier
Gliders1853Sir George Cayley
Helicopter1924Etienne Oehmichen
Hovercraft1955Christopher Cockerrell
Jet Engine1937Sir Frank Whittle
Parachute1797AJ Garnerin
Rocket1926Robert Goddard
Inventors of Aviation Machines

Inventors of Vehicles and Related Equipment

Bicycle1839-40Kirkpatrick Macmillan
Bicycle tyres1888John Boyd Dunlop
Petrol Car1886Karl Benz
Carburettor1876Gottlieb Daimler
Diesel Engine1895Rudolf Diesel
Ship (steam)1775JC Perier
Ship (turbine)1894Sir C. Parsons
Submarine1776David Bushnell
Motorcycle1885G Daimler of Cannstatt
Streetcar1834Thomas Davenport
Inventors of Vehicles and Related Equipment

Inventors of Weapons and War Equipment

Atom Bomb1945J Robert Oppenheimer
Automatic Rifle1918John Browning
Ballistic Missile1944Wernher vonBraun
Bolt action rifle1889P von Mauser
Guided Missile1942Wernher vonBraun
Hydrogen Bomb1952Edward Teller
Neutron Bomb1958Samel Cohen
Tank1914Sir Ernest D Swington
Machine gun1718James Puckle
Revolver1836Samuel Colt
AK-471946Mikhail Kalashnikov
Dynamite1867Alfred Nobel
Inventors of Weapons and War Equipment


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