Inventors of Domestic Appliances

Invention Inventor Year
Pendulum Clock Christian Huyges 1656
Mechanical Clock I. Hsing and Liang Ting Tsan 1725
Safety Match John Walker 1826
Sewing Machine (Chain stitch) Barthelemy Thimmonier 1841
Sewing Machine (Lock stitch) Elias Howe 1846
Refrigerator James Hansen and Alexander Catlin 1850
Typewriter Christopher L Sholes  1867
Gramophone Thomas Alva Edison  1878
Electric Lamp Thomas Alva Edison  1879
Fountain Pen Lewis E Waterman  1884
Ball-point Pen John J Loud  1888
Ball-point Pen (Present form) Ladislao Jose Biro  1938
Airconditioning Willis Haviland Carrier  1906
Kitchen Blender Stephen Poplawski  1922
TV (Mechanical) JL Baird 1926
TV (Electronic) PT Farnsworth  1927
Thermos Flask Sir James Dewar  1892
Electric Iron Henry Seely  1882
Microwave Oven Percy Spencer  1947
Dishwasher (hand-powered) Josephine Cochrane  1887


Inventions – Industrial Revolution

Invention Inventor Year
Flying Shuttle John Kay 1733
Powerloom E Cartwright 1785
Spinning Frame Sir Richard Arkwright 1769
Spinning Jenny James Hargreaves 1764
Spinning Mule Samuel Crompton 1779


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