Full NameFrancis Rawdon-Hastings, 1st Marquess of Hastings
Born:9 December 1754 County Down, Kingdom of Ireland
Died:28 November 1826 (aged 71) At sea off Naples
OfficeGovernor General of British India:1813-1823

Notable Works of Lord Hastings

• Anglo-Nepal War (1814-16) & Treaty of Sagauli.

• 3rd Maratha War (1817-19) and of Maratha Confederacy dissolution.

• Strife with Pindaris (1817-18)

• Treaty with Sindhia (1817)

• Treaty of Sangli (1816)

• Treaty of Poona (1817)

• Ryotwari System – Thomas Munro (Gov. of Madras) (1820)


What did Lord Hastings do for India?

His tenure is known for a policy of intervention and war. Two important wars viz. Gurkha War and Third Anglo Maratha war occurred during his tenure. He simplified the judicial proceedings and abolished the Censorship Act.

What is the full name of Lord Hastings?

Francis Rawdon-Hastings, 1st Marquess of Hastings