International Organizations And Their Headquarters List   
No.International OrganizationHeadquarter
1.UNO ( United Nation Organization )New York , USA
2.UNICEF ( United Nations Children’s Fund )New York , USA
3.UNFPA ( United Nations Population Fund )New York , USA
4.UNOCHA ( Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs )New York , USA
5.UNDP ( United Nation Development Programme )New York , USA
6.IFC ( International Finance Corporation )New York , USA
7.ITU ( International Telecommunication Union )Geneva , Switzerland
8.ILO ( International Labour Organization )Geneva , Switzerland
9.WIPO ( World Intellectual Property Organization )Geneva, Switzerland
10.WMO ( World Meteorological Organization )Geneva , Switzerland
11.WHO ( World Health Organization )Geneva , Switzerland
12.UNHCR ( United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees )Geneva , Switzerland
13.UNCTAD ( United Nations Conference on Trade and Development )Geneva, Switzerland
14.International Committee of the Red CrossGeneva , Switzerland
15.International Organization for StandardizationGeneva , Switzerland
16.World Economic ForumGeneva , Switzerland
17.UNESCO ( United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization )Paris , France
18.OECD ( Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developemnt )Paris , France
19.UNIDO ( United Nation Industrial Development Organization )Vienna, Austria
20IAEA ( International Atomic Energy Organization )Vienna , Austria
21.OPEC ( Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries )Vienna , Austria
22.UNOOSA ( United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs )Vienna , Austria
23.IBRD ( International Bank for Reconstruction And Development )Washington , D.C, USA
24.IMF ( International Monetary Fund )Washington D.C. , USA
25.WB ( World Bank )Washington , D.C, USA
26.Amnesty InternationalLondon , United kingdom
27.IMO ( International Maritime Organization )London , United Kingdom
28.Commonwealth of NationsLondon , United Kingdom
29.ICJ ( International Court of Justice )The Hague , Netherlands
30.OPCW ( Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons )The Hague , Netherlands
31.UPU ( Universal Postal Union )Bern , Switzerland
32.FAO ( Food and Agriculture ogarnization )Rome , Italy
34.IFAD ( International fund for Agricultural Development )Rome , Italy
35.Transparency InternationalBerlin
36.Abu Dhabi , UAE
37.SAARC ( South Asian Assoiciation for Regional Cooperation )Kathmandu , Nepal
38.APEC ( Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation )Singapore
39.Organisation of Islamic CooperationJeddah
40.Indian Ocean Rim Association for regional CooperationEbene , Mauritius
41.International Olympic CommitteeLausanne, Switzerland
42.International Hockey FederationLausanne, Switzerland
43.Worldwide Fund for NatureGland , Switzerland
44.International Union of Pure and Applied ChemistryGland, Switzerland
45.UNWTO (World Tourism Organization)Madrid, Spain
46.ICAO(International Civil Aviation Organization )Montreal, Canada
47.UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)Vienna, Austria
48.ISA ( International Seabed Authority )Kingston, Jamaica
49.UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)Nairobi ,Kenya
50.International Hydrographic OrganizationMonaco
51.IAAF ( International Association’s of Althletics Federation )Monaco
52.World Chess FederationAthens , Greece


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