SBM is being implemented by the Ministry of Urban Development in Urban areas and by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation in Rural areas.

  1. Elimination of open defecation
  2. Eradication of Manual Scavenging
  3. Modern and Scientific Municipal Solid Waste Management
  4. To effect behavioral change regarding healthy sanitation practices
  5. Generate awareness about sanitation and its linkage with public health
  6. Capacity Augmentation for ULB’s
  7. Creating an enabling environment for private sector participation


  1. Household toilets, including conversion of insanitary latrines into pour-flush latrines;
  1. Community toilets
  2. Public toilets
  3. Solid waste management
  4. Public Awareness and IEC (Information, Education and Communication

Target – The Mission will be in force till 2nd October 2019.

Funding – States will contribute a minimum of 25% funds towards all components to match 75% Central Share. This will be 10% in the case of North East and special category States