The Unique Academy
The Unique Academy

The Unique Academy is sincerely committed towards the goal of an egalitarian and democratic society where the discriminatory walls between rich and poor, urban and rural, upper and lower castes, men and women, English speaking and vernacular etc don’t inhibit the opportunities for development of one’s inner potential.

Moreover, it aims at eradication of all such divides. For this to happen, the Academy believes, it is very necessary that the deprived sections of society have to be empowered in the real sense of the term. The Unique Academy strongly believes that if the real empowerment of the teeming millions has to materialize rapidly, the polity and society have to be sensitive towards the prevailing injustices, inequalities, and oppression in the society. It is equally necessary that the future Indian leadership, the decision makers, should hail from the hitherto marginalized, deprived and oppressed sections of the society. For, they can ensure that the system doesn’t become exploitative, but becomes more responsive, responsible and humane.

Ground Floor, Bhosale Plaza, Opposite Bal Gopal Talim, K.M.T. Stand, Shahu Maidan
Kolhapur, Maharashtra
Pincode: 416001
Phone : 0231-2545655
Mobile : 9423740712


The Unique Academy provides coaching for:
UPSC Civil Services Exam